於美容相關工作場所,能夠瞭解常見皮膚類型及基本美容護理知識,向顧客介紹合適的護理產品或基本美容護理服務 。
- 瞭解基本皮膚類型及美容護理
- 瞭解常見的皮膚類型及特徵,例如:
- 油性皮膚
- 中性皮膚
- 乾性皮膚
- 混合性皮膚
- 敏感性/問題性皮膚
- 瞭解常見的皮膚瑕疵種類及特徵,例如:色斑 、暗瘡印 、缺水、皺紋等
- 瞭解各種基本皮膚類型的護理需要及禁忌,例 如:清潔、保養護理及滋潤皮膚 等
- 應用基本美容護理知識
Certificate in Understand Beauty Care Knowledge (Level 1)
- 附帶條件必須完成中三或同等學歷程度 - HKQF Certificate in Comprehensive Make-up Skills 綜合化妝技巧證書 (獲政府資助課程 可申請持續進修基金)。

- 附帶條件必須16歲或以上 -
- City and Guilds Certificate in Micropigmentation
- City and Guilds Certificate in Keratin Lash Lift and Eyelash Tinting
- City and Guilds Certificate in Eyelash Extensions
- City and Guilds IVQ Advanced Dploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (8106)
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 2 Award in Infection Prevention (COVID-19) for Beauty Therapy and Nail Services
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 2 Award in Infection Prevention (COVID-19) for Cinical Aesthetics
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 2 Award in Infection Prevention (COVID-19) for Complementary Therapies and Sports Massage
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 2 Award in Infection Prevention (COVID-19) for Make-Up Services
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 2 Diploma for Beauty Specialists
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 2 Certificate in Bridal Make-up
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 3 Certificate in Eyelash Extensions
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 3 Diploma in Fashion, Theatre and Media Make-up
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 3 Diploma in Holistic Massage
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 3 Diploma in Nail Technology
- VTCT (iTEC) Level 4 Certificate in Micro-Pigmentation Treatment